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Zoning Board 3-9-10

Holland Zoning Board of Appeals

Meeting Minutes
Date: March 9, 2010
Fred Beaulieu, Acting Chairperson
Don Beal, Scribe
Ralph Martone, Associate
Ron Seaburg, Secretary

7:00 PM
The minutes for February 23, 2010 were read and accepted.

7:30 PM
Special Permit Request
Mr. Jim Lovendale
27 Williams Road R12-B-05 Book 17699 Page 362
Home Address: 105 Hamilton Street, Southbridge, MA. 508-954-8105
Mr. Lovendale would like to remove the deck on the SW (rear) of his house and build an addition in its place. Apparently the addition does not meet front yard set-back requirements.
A site visitation is scheduled for March 15, 2010 at 6 PM.
A continuance is scheduled for March 23, 2010 at 8:00 PM.

8:00 PM
Application for Comprehensive Permit Request for Senior Housing Building HAP Housing
322 Main Street, Suite 1
Springfield, MA 01105-2403
Tel. 413-233-1500

Representing HAP: Rudy Perkins, Project Manager and Staff Attorney; Michelle McAdaragh, Associate Executive Director for Real Estate Development; Norm Guz, Attorney; Lucio Trabucco, Architect; Robert Weidknecht, Engineer.
Each HAP representative contributed to a presentation describing various aspects of the project, outlining specific site needs, and answering questions submitted by the Board, abutters, and others in attendance.

Questions directed to HAP representatives were:

-How was the impermeable surface area percentage calculated for the site: Ans. Using the 4.33 ac. Permeable Geo-pads will be used in some areas to reduce overall footprint coverage.

-Could the Town give more land to help meet mandated percentage allowances: No ans.

-How was the number of parking spaces determined: Ans. Using a formula based on other similar developments.

-How would water run-off be controlled: Ans. Map of drainage system shown.

- Can’t the location be changed: No ans. available.

-How much would the Town receive in taxes: Ans. $5,000.00 dollars/year. (Payment in lieu of taxes to be determined by Select board.)

-Common driveway and parking lot space insufficient: More data to follow.

-Cost of project unreasonably high for number of persons served: Ans. Building expected to last 99 years.

-How would the number of persons per room be monitored: Ans. no problems of overcrowding in other similar HAP developments.

-How much fill would be required to level the site and what kind of septic system would be constructed: Ans. Title 5 standards would be met.

-What is a LOPE, letter of entitlement given by the Rural Development? Ans: Do not know qualifications at this time.

-How is eligibility determined: Age and income qualifications were discussed and will be clarified in a future meeting.

-What will happen if HAP defaults or goes into bankruptcy. Can the building be purchased by a for-profit business. Ans. Town will determine steps for ownership succession process before final contract is signed.

-If approved, could a person owning 75 acres in town build 750 units? Ans: no answer.

-How favorably does the State act on unresolved issues as petitioned by HAP:  Ans. Atty. Guz stated he has never had to petition the State for a dispute.

-Other general comments: The Town will vote at a Town Meeting on May 25 for approval of the 99 year lease; what about rights of tenants concerning pet/pet allergies; will smoking be allowed anywhere on site; “the project cannot affect the health or safety of persons living there or of residents”, Paul Bracciotti,PVPC; what kind of trees will be planted to reduce visibility; 13 exceptions for bylaws is unreasonable and insulting to the Town.

Minutes taken by Don Beal will be included with the secretary’s minutes.

A continuance was scheduled for April 6, 2010 at 6:30 PM.

Atty. Guz stated: “A continuance tonight does not close the public hearing”.

9:30 PM  Meeting Adjourned.

CC:  Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HCC, ZBA file.

Submitted by:

Ronald Seaburg, Secretary